Post by Yuzuki on Jun 30, 2010 22:34:57 GMT -5
N A M E?? Shizuka Rin
A G E?? 16
D O B?? December 14th
S P E C I E S?? Elem
O R I E N T A T I O N?? Heterosexual
P R O F E S S I O N?? She does not have a job.
A L L I A N C E?? Independent
S T A T U S?? Unknown
L I K E S??
- Quiet
- Being alone
- Not being annoyed
- Reading
- Peace.
D I S L I K E S??
- Loud noises
- Her emotions
- Annoying and obnoxious people.
- Fighting
- Being in a large crowd.
P E R S O N A L I T Y?? Shizuka doesn't have much of a personality. She kind of can't. She's a very serious girl, and rarely smiles, if at all. She doesn't talk much, either, no matter who you are. She's cold, ruthless, and will do a lot t get someone away from her, or to get away from a crowd. She does like reading though. She keeps to herself, and doesn't show emotion. She doesn't care about much, especially people's opinions. She never gets upset or mad(although this can change).In general, be careful around her, she's not, friendly... At all.
A P P E A R A N C E?? She has purple eyes, and really long, silver/white hair. There are two ponytails attached to the side of her head that are smaller than the rest of her hair and are tied together with a rose headband. She has a large silver dress. There is a necklace around her neck that seems to have a cross pendant on it. She is thin.
H E I G H T?? 5'11"
W E I G H T?? 98 lbs.
P I C T U R E??
E L E M E N T OR A B I L I T Y?? Element: Mind Abilities:
Mind Reading: She is able to read other's minds.
Mind Control: The ability to control someone else's mind. It only works for a short amount of time though and it takes a lot of energy.
Telekinesis: Move stuff with their minds.
Aura Sensing: The ability to sense a vibe or aura of someone else. Also can sense their emotions as well.
Visions: The ability to see the future, or something else important, such as a secret plot.
W E A P O N S?? None
T E C H N I Q U E?? None
S T R E N G T H S??
- Quiet
- Concentration
- Being Alone
W E A K N E S S E S??
- Emotions
- No Concentration
- Loud Noises
F A T H E R?? Shiazukai Rin
M O T H E R?? Tiya Rin
S I B L I N G S?? None
O T H E R R E L A T I V E S?? None that she knows of (strangely.XD)
S I G N I F I G A N T O T H E R?? None
P E T?? None
H I S T O R Y?? Shizuka was born on a very cold, December night. The snow was pouring down as the wind blew strongly. The stars were blinded and the moonlight wasn't there. It was dark. Shizuka was born under a cold New Moon. She had happy, newly wed parents that were pleased having a baby girl. They named her Shizuka, meaning 'quiet' in Japanese for her quiet crying. As years passed, her powers began to take affect. Things started flying across the room, and she always said whether someone was good or bad when they came over. Okay, she was able to predict when someone was coming over. This began to worry her parents, and she knew about it too, so she never told them about her being able to hear they're thoughts. Yet, they went and took Shizuka to a 'doctor', more of a therapist, that figured it out and told her parents she was a Mind Elem, but that they should be happy because of how strong it is. This frightened them even more.
As years went by, Shizuka became more distant, and silent. She began to gradually lose all sense of emotion, and when alone she would practice her power and learned all of it's secrets. She even tried mind control on her parents. Of course this made them terrified. they knew she was getting stronger by each passing day, and were down right scared of that. They didn't know how strong she could become and they were afraid that they may not be able to stop her if her mind got swelled up with thoughts of taking over the world. They were planning on leaving, and she knew it. She even told them what she knew, and they left right at the moment, her mother in tears. She was eleven.
Now, at the age of Sixteen, Shizuka wanders around for no real reason. She's lost all sense of emotion, including trust and knowing what it feels like to have people close to you. She thinks that they'll leave her if they find out, just like her parents, so she has made herself rude, and ruthless so they'll leave her alone. She isn't bad, for she'll save someone, but isn't good either, because she only will if she feels like it. She has full control over her powers as well.
U S E R N A M E;; Yuzuki, Torao, or Shizuka
Y O U R A G E;; Thirteen going on Fourteen.^^
R P E X P E R I A N C E;; 1 to 2 years.
C O N T A C T;; PM
F A C E C L A I M;;
[/color][/b] ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
C R E D I T;; hey it's SHMEY! @ caution 2.0